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Rebecca Martell portrait


Rebecca Martell is a wife to one amazing man and mother of two rambunctious boys. She enjoys reading, baking, and collecting (hoarding?) office supplies. She has taught writing and English Literature and holds a Masters of Arts in English from the University of South Carolina. 






What inspires you to write?

My first book, Teaching: An American Legacy (WIP) was inspired by the desire to explore and explain the recurring cycles of education reform in American History by sharing the stories of one teacher in each generation. My second book, The Ratliffe House, was inspired by my love of 19th century British Literature (I have a M.A. in it!) and my desire to counter the culturally accepted myths of third-wave feminism. As a conservative Christian, I write from a worldview that hopes to glorify God and bring positive change to the world.

What is the Generational Saeculum?

It is a theory of cyclical history proposed by William Strauss and Neil Howe, most famously in their books Generations and The Fourth Turning. In sum, groups of people can be roughly divided into about a 20-year generational time span. Each one of these groups tends to follow a generational archetype, kind of like its own "personality". The same pattern of four personalities repeats itself about every 80 years. Similarly, certain historical events, like the Crisis Era, repeat cyclically.


Although William Strauss passed away in 2007, Neil Howe has wonderful summaries of this information available on his consulting website, LifeCourse Associates.  


Why don't you have a comments section on your blog?

Because I don't have time to moderate it and keep it spam-free. However, you're always welcome to email me at with any comments, ideas, or questions.


Do you endorse every comment, action, or life choice made by every content-creator, author, musician, or website you link to?

Of course not. I recommend personal discernment in consumption of any art, entertainment, or media. Personally, I try my best to keep the linked content itself very clean. If you find something highly objectionable there, please let me know at


Do you have a super-awesome secret playlist to accompany your blog?

Yes, check out Rebecca's Mix Tape on Spotify or YouTube. (Please note I have no control over ads on other people's YouTube videos.)


What other resources do you have about the Generational Saeculum and other topics discussed on your blog?

You can check out Rebecca's File Drawer on YouTube here! It's an easy place to view video resources that inform my blogs.


How can I find out about new blog posts?

Try using an RSS feed reader! It circumvents the algorithm prejudices (and advertisements) inherent to much of social media, and it gives you instant access to my latest content. Just click the little signal icon next to my name in at the top of the page, or copy this link into your favorite feed reader:


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